Carla's Pilates Playground: From Naughty Beginnings to Counting Shenanigans

Every Pilates instructor has a unique journey that shapes their teaching style and adds a touch of personality to their classes. Carla, a seasoned Pilates enthusiast, takes us on a journey through her favorite moves, funny moments, and the valuable advice she shares with her clients.

Do you have a favorite Pilates move that instantly puts a smile on your face?

Lying down 😂 double leg and single leg footwork 🙌.

What's your go-to pump-up song that gets you in the mood for a Pilates class?

I love the calm before the workout 'Sweet Child of Mine' Remix and London Grammar 'Strong' .... Thinking Disco gets everyone in the mood.

Share a funny or heartwarming story from your Pilates journey that still brings a smile to your face.

Feeling like naughty children when Inflow first opened and Abbie would give us all 'that' look.

Tell us about your favorite post-Pilates ritual that helps you unwind and recharge?

Quick chat check-in as clients leave, then usually tidying, straightening the boxes, checking the toilets & that the rubbish bins aren't full 🤣 and then a coffee 🙌.

What's the one move you love to teach & why?

Love all the moves, but I get excited about trying a new move out.

What's the funniest thing you have heard clients say during your classes?

Tammy said #@*# off to me once or people start to count for me because I'm s#%t at counting.

How would your loyal clients describe your classes?

Strong but fair, motivating, good energy vested.

What's your ultimate piece of advice for someone starting their Pilates journey?

It's never too late … Just do it, get on it 'do you' …. see where it takes you.

Carla's Pilates journey is a delightful mix of humor, excitement for new challenges, and a dedication to creating a positive and motivating environment. Her post-Pilates routine, including tidying up and enjoying a coffee, reflects her commitment to the well-being of her clients and the studio.

Her advice to newcomers is a powerful reminder that the journey of Pilates is personal, and it's never too late to start. So, let's all embrace the joy of lying down and dive into the world of Pilates with Carla's infectious energy and encouragement.


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